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Saturday 30 August 2014

Psyllium husk powder role in maintaining cholesterol level of body

What is cholesterol?

In general, cholesterol nature is waxy, oil like, fat like manufacture by our body and found in every cell of the body. It is essential substance for our body normal functioning. It is also taken in from food which we consume in daily life. As it is in oil form do not mix with blood and carried throughout body by lipoproteins.

There are two types of lipoprotein in our body

  1. Low density lipoprotein also known as bad cholesterol
  2. High density lipoprotein also known as good cholesterol
Cholesterol has four main functions, without which we could not live.

  1. Contributes to the structure of cell walls
  2. Makes up digestive bile acids in the intestine
  3. Allows the body to produce vitamin D
  4. Enables the body to make certain hormones.
Limiting intake of fat in the diet helps manage cholesterol levels, limiting foods like fried foods, processed food, sugary food  and  other saturated food.

Psyllium husk powder role in maintaining cholesterol level of body
Psyllium seeds are source for producing Psyllium husk powder. Research on benefits of Psyllium has been shown to lower blood cholesterol; it is thought to stimulate the conversion of cholesterol into bile acid and then increase bile acid excretion. It may also decrease the intestinal absorption of cholesterol.

“A review of eight clinical studies found that people with mild to moderately high blood cholesterol, who ate a low-fat diet and consumed 10.2 g of psyllium a day for over eight weeks, reduced total cholesterol by four percent and LDL cholesterol by seven percent, as compared with those who ate a low-fat diet but did not consume Psyllium. “

Psylliumlabs are distributors of quality Psyllium husk powder which have many health benefits including lowering cholesterol level.


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