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Thursday 1 May 2014

Psyllium husk both soluble and insoluble fibre

What is Psyllium husk?
The plant name Plantago ovata seeds are used to make Psyllium husk.  This plant is traditional herb and used to make medicines.  It is commonly known as ispaghula and isapgol.  It is excellent high fibre dietary supplement both soluble and insoluble.  It has great water holding properties so form gel body when mixed with water. 

Why fibre is important?
Fibre is found in both soluble and insoluble form. It cannot be easily and soluble fibre converts to gel and slows the digestion in the stomach. Insoluble fiber makes waste heavier and softer in the intestine. Daily if fibre intake is less than required can cause constipation problem.  Over eating can cause bloating, gas and cramping. Fiber foods like lentils, legumes, leafy vegetables and fruits should be included in our diet for healthy living.

Prime benefits of Psyllium husk

  • We can suffer heart diseases due various reasons like family history, smoking, obesity, high cholesterol level and unhealthy lifestyle.  Including Psyllium in your diet may reduce suffering from heart diseases.
  • Psyllium husk dietary supplements can improve your digestion by gelling inside stomach.
  • Psyllium husk when taken with water form gel like mass and trap sugar molecules and helps in slowly releasing and absorbing it in your body.
  • Psyllium husk when form gel mass in our digestive system, binds cholesterol and control cholesterol level.
  • As Psyllium husk are both soluble and insoluble contributes to easy bowel movements which lowers the effect of painful inflammatory condition of colon.

The best way to incorporate fiber is to whole grain over refine food.  Even research suggest Psyllium husk a excellent fibre can take early morning or before bed. For adult recommended dosage is one to two tsp with one glass of water. For better results you can intake more quantity of water.


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